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Background to the Campaign

Quick Revolutionary War Tour 1765-1777




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British Control North America
The British defeated the French and their Indian allies in the French and Indian War (1754-1763). The result was British control over much of North America. But the war had cost England a great deal of money and Parliament decided it was time for the Colonies to pay a share for their own defense.

Tax Stamp
To raise money, Parliament passed the Stamp Act in 1765. This law required the purchase of tax stamps to buy paper.

The Colonists were outraged. After years of "Salutary Neglect" wherein Colonial taxes were not collected by the British, the new policy was unwelcome.

The Colonists had always considered themselves Englishmen. Among the rights granted to all Englishmen was a voice in Parliament -- something they didn't have. With the Stamp Act, "Taxation without representation is tyranny," became a battle cry. Rioting, rhetoric, and the calling of the Stamp Act Congress quickly led England to repeal the Stamp Act.

But many new taxation measures, such as the Sugar Act and Townshend Acts followed. The Americans reacted by forming organized political groups such as Committees of Correspondence and the Sons of Liberty.

Boston Massacre
The people of Boston were most outspoken and violent in their reaction to taxes. They threatened and harmed British customs officials trying to collect taxes. So, the British quartered troops in Boston to protect their officials. In 1770, the Boston Massacre occurred as British troops fired into a group of protesters, killing five of them. This was the first blood.

In 1773 the East India Company was granted a virtual monopoly on the importation of tea. In protest, a group of Boston citizens disguised as Mohawk Indians boarded a ship and dumped 342 chests of tea into Boston harbor.

Parliament responded with the "Intolerable Acts."
  • Accused Colonists could be tried in England
  • American homes were forced to host British troops
  • Boston Harbor was closed
  • And more
Carpenters' Hall
This resulted in the First Continental Congress, in 1774, which met at Philadelphia's Carpenters' Hall. Twelve colonies sent delegates to discuss how to return to a state of harmonious relations with the Mother Country -- not revolution! But radical thinking won out. Parliamentary acts were declared "unconstitutional." Taxes were not paid, an import-export ban was established, and Colonists were urged to arm themselves.

The "shot heard 'round the world" was fired at Lexington where armed colonists tried to resist British seizure of an arsenal. Eight Americans and 273 British soldiers were killed. The Revolution began.

The Second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia on May 10, 1775 and they declared themselves the government. They also named George Washington Commander in Chief of the newly organized army.

In June 1775, the Battle of Bunker Hill resulted in about 400 American and 1,054 British fatalities. The first major battle of the War gave the Americans great confidence.

Skirmishes in late 1775 led to the capture of Ft. Ticonderoga in New York and a win at the Battle of Crown Point, under the command of Ethan Allen. However, Benedict Arnold's attempt to capture Canada for the Americans failed.

On July 4th, 1776, Congress adopts the Declaration of Independence. The United States is born.

30,000 British troops arrived in New York Harbor in August and joined those already under the command of General William Howe. American defeats followed at Long Island, Harlem Heights, and White Plains.

The Americans salvaged a dismal year with Washington's Christmas night crossing of the Delaware to capture Trenton. This was followed up shortly after by a victory at the Battle of Princeton. The Americans chased Howe back to New York. Washington went into winter quarters in Morristown, New Jersey. In the Spring of 1777, The Philadelphia Campaign was about to unfold.
Background to the Campaign:
The British
General Howe
Military Journal of the American Revolution
General William Howe

Part of the overall British design to win the war was to isolate regions of the country and invoke the support of silent Loyalists.

General Howe, Commander of British troops in the Colonies, had a two-pronged plan for 1777. While the British army of the North under General Burgoyne would march down from Canada to capture Albany, isolating New England, the Southern army under Howe would capture Philadelphia.

With the capital under occupation, and radical New England isolated, Howe hoped to force a surrender.

Winter, according to the military custom of the 18th century, was not a season to pursue battle. After a string of successful battles in 1776, General Howe spent the winter in New York City.

Dallying overlong there, it was not until June 1777 that Howe made a non-productive feint into New Jersey. But due to a fear of losing his supply line, the vacillating general performed an about-face and returned to New York.

King George III of England
Library of Congress
King George III of England

Back in London, Parliament, fed up with this Colonial rebellion and tired of bearing the burden of a costly war, wanted results. Howe, recently named Knight Companion of the Bath by King George III, needed to score a victory quickly -- the new "Sir William" had a title to live up to.

Yet, the fighting season was nearing an end without a single major engagement having taken place. Howe was finally ready to engage the enemy, capture Philadelphia, and show the King and Parliament that he was bringing the war to a close.

Background to the Campaign:
The Americans
George Washington
Military Journal of the American Revolution
General George Washington

George Washington had spent the winter of 1776 in Morristown, New Jersey, keeping an eye on Howe in New York.

In Upstate New York, General Gates and the Northern Army prepared for an invasion by General Burgoyne, who was coming from Canada.

Washington didn't know if Howe was planning to move north into New York State to support Burgoyne or south to invade Philadelphia.

In June 1777, Washington learned about a massive flotilla that was boarding in Sandy Hook, New Jersey, across from Staten Island, destination unknown.

By late in July, Washington knew it was heading down the Atlantic coast.

Washington moved his army of approximately 11,000 troops by land to Wilmington, Delaware, about 20 miles north of where Howe would ultimately land and 20 miles south of Philadelphia.

General Washington, well placed for Howe's arrival, but wary nonetheless, needed an estimation of Howe's troop strength for this campaign and what to expect in planning this new phase of engagement.

Washington's previous appearances on the battlefield resulted in morale-boosting victories at Princeton and Trenton, but that was eight months past.

Whispers within Congress and even among some serving with him questioned the Commander's capabilities.

Both armies were in place prepared to play out the Philadelphia Campaign of 1777.

Head of Elk, Maryland

Quick Overview
In late July 1777, a 265-ship armada under General Howe's command finally arrived at the Head of Maryland's Elk River. 17,000 soldiers aboard the ships had endured a debilitating six week journey originating at Sandy Hook, New Jersey, across from Staten Island, New York.

Howe had hoped to complete the trip much faster than he did. He didn't. In Maryland, he hoped to find a legion of Loyalists ready to fight with the British. He didn't.

What he did have to do was to get all his ships unloaded of men, horses, weapons and supplies. Then he had to begin his march on Philadelphia to the north.

In between, stood George Washington and the Continental Army ready to stop him.]
Head of Elk: Page 1 of 5

Howe's Voyage

The largest armada ever assembled in America set sail off of Sandy Hook, New Jersey. It was carrying 17,000 British soldiers and sailors in over 260 ships. The armada was headed for an attack on the capital city of Philadelphia. They underwent a distressful 34-day sea-trek. The voyage took its toll in lost time, seasick soldiers, and scores of dead horses.

Howe's voyage from Sandy Hook to Head of Elk
©1997 Independence Hall Association
Washington's troops started in northern New Jersey and shadowed the movement of the British fleet.

Washington lost sight of the fleet for an agonizing three-week period, starting when the armada moved further offshore as it passed the Delaware Capes. He feared that the fleet may have doubled back to New York to help General Burgoyne in his attempt to capture upstate New York against the Americans headed by General Gates.

Until he could determine the destination of the fleet, Washington needed to maintain a position where he could move north or south. When their destination was clear, Washington moved south to a position between Head of Elk and Philadelphia.

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